I bought the bears from Anita many a month ago.
my cousin said my living room now looks like a a showroom of cushions

the frills are not really perfect
I would definitely make them better the next time
the design is from my doodling
I have a drawing block on my table at the office
whenever I talked on the phone my hand would always be drawing something
its also convenient to have the block to take notes instead of jotting them in pieces of paper
which later would be lost
sorry if i havent been visiting your blogs soon enough
I also have an award due from Kak Dee
please bear with me ya
Get going, girl... somehow it will mend, patch and heal some sadness away. Take care, dear.
takziah kak ann... semoga rohnya dikalangan org2 beriman... and your cushion looks lovely... ada frills lagi tu:)
gabungan warna yang lembut... sejuk mata memandang... :)
Kak Dee: Thanks !
Yoon: Terima Kasih Yoon .... frills tu sangat feminine kannnn ... hahahaha
MamaDaniel: Makasih ! Ya saya suka pastel colors ... :-)
Bestnya, living room banyak cushions. Dan cushion Kak Ann buat look lovely. :)
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