Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Hmm ....

Sri said it s cute

I made quite a number of that with different designs


I ll just make more 


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Antara Ciri-Ciri Seorang Crafter Yang Solehah

Ya Puan-puan ... sebagai seorang crafter kita sepatutnya mempunyai etika tertentu yang dapat dijadikan panduan dan pedoman demi kesejahteraan dan kebaikan bersama. Bukan mudah untuk menjadi crafter yang solehah dan berakhlak mulia jika masih terdapat sifat "mazmumah" dalam diri yang akan menjejaskan kredibiliti kita sebagai Muslimah Crafters sejati.

Di bawah ini saya senaraikan tiga (3) perkara penting yang patut menjadi pedoman semua:-

1. Sabar

Tidak tergedik atau terkinja-kinja bila melihat fabrik cantik menawan seperti di bawah

Ini kain semua ada kat kedai kawan aku kat PondokCraft

2. Menjaga Pandangan Mata

Tidak men"google" atau mem"blog-hop" tidak tentu arah melihat-lihat website yang mensajikan fabrik-fabrik cantik dari designer-designer tersohor

Rasanya website nih dah tak payah diperkenalkan

3. Tidak Membazir

Ya, ini sifat paling penting .... sebagai crafter kita patut sedar diri akan kemampuan diri dan kemampuan wang di tangan bila mahu membeli fabrik-fabrik terhebat.

Kalau ada takat Dua Belas Ringgit Pat Kupang ..

payah la kan

Lagipula, apalah gunanya mempunyai bertimbun-timbun fabrik memenuhi ruangan rumah bila diri baru saja belajar membuat potholder, apa lagi bila potholder itu sangatlah berterabur jahitannya.

Sekian. Selamat Beramal


P/S: Apa yang baik itu adalah dariNYA dan apa yang tak baik itu datang dari fabrik-fabrik lawa yang tak mampu aku beli.


My Very First Quilt

I had never laid my hands on a sewing machine before, until that first bag class with Pondok Craft last month, ( I will put up the entry later). And so when I bought my new Bernette E92c two weeks ago I was very excited and thrilled to try almost EVERYTHING but I somehow always ended up practising to sew a straight line only. Yesterday I finally decided I should put my minimum skill and the machine to test.

Sri from Pondok Craft was kind enough to donate me some batting and I thought it d be great to try some quilt and so I chose to try the simple potholder quilt I stumbled in this site.

I dont have that ruler or that mat or even that knife roller (whatever their names should be) and it was quite a task to use a scissor to cut a straight line .. and to mark the exact measurement as required (please bear in mind that I am a beginner)

it was also a task for someone who knows so little about the anatomy of a sewing machine to handle one .....

but then ... patience my friend ... plus determination and endurance and the fact that everything is all in the state of mind .. I present to you .... my potholder quilt :-


nampak cantik kan


looks beautiful

but scroll down and keep on looking

ha ha ha ha

like they said:-

there's always a first time for everything


p/s: the flowery fabric is from May May

Saturday, March 27, 2010

It All Started With The Buttons

I bought the buttons because I wanted to create things with them to make cushion covers. My mother's neighbour was kind enough to offer helping me sewed the cushions using her sewing machine.

And now that I have bought mine ... I better learn sewing them myself.


Its Not Perfect

I still need to work  some more to make it perfect


Friday, March 26, 2010

First Few Batches

The first few batches made were sold to my dear cousin Cik and her daughter Amni. Amni was so excited with them that she managed to persuade her mom to buy for her four ! The cupcake I had given to her as a present which she loved best .....


What I Have Been Doing These Days

Yeap .. I ve been creating and doing these things as my new hobby. Actually there are many more .. but I was busy during the weekend cleaning the store room to turn it into a "craft room" ( ... wahhhh ... I m thrilled and excited ....) that I didnt have time to take more photos of them ...

All these hand made "things" ( i really dont know what to call them) are personally hand sewn by me .. with love and tenderness .. hahaha .. really those I make are really the ones I myself personally love ... even though I do intend to sell them ... but every time someone asked for one .. I feel quite "reluctant" to let them go ...

Maybe i should attach a key chain to it or a pin or just anything to make it easier for people to identify what to do with them .. but I think I just want to leave the imagination to my customer. I myself would love to hang them in the car ..

At the moment ... I just feel Thankful .. Alhamdulillah .... for all the joy in what I am doing .. and seriously I m crossing my fingers that this new hobby would last long ....



A cupcake made a few years back

I have tried almost everything in my life , but none are permanent pursuits. I have many many interests but I have trouble concentrating in one for too long. Swimming, running, cycling, basketball, photography, baking are among the things I have indulged.

I am now trying to stick to this tiny weeny talent inside of me for as long as I can to keep on being creative and bring joy not only to myself but to those who would appreciate my latest pursue.

p/s: I must be serious to the extend creating a whole new blog for this ... hmmm

We 'll see. Insya Allah
