I followed the book exactly and it turned out to be so BIG.
Its for my mother. She saw the bag in the book and specially requested me to make one for her. I should have known better when none of the fabrics I have were enough to make one .. so my mother personally went hunting for the fabrics ...

so you see ... my mother must mean business
Its supposed to be a shopping bag but my mother is already dreaming to make the bag for her "telekung" (she hasnt seen it yet) .... but from the look of it, I think, not even the telekung .. it can also fit sajadah, kain ihram, tilam bantal, pinggan mangkuk periuk belanga and even the whole of her closet ......
hey .. look it can also fit THREE of my cushions !!!
happy mother's day Mak
hahahahah bawa periuk belanga pi mesjid !!! :) Saya tak suka sangat .... kalau buat kat saya, buat yg cantik cantik gambaq gajah banyak banyak okie:)
How I wish I have a daughter who could sew as such.... Ann, your Mak, she is a lucky mother!
No offence but your entry today is hilarious. Well, it's the thought that counts. Plus your mak knows that u love her very much wpun beg u may not be what she pictured in her mind ;d
Kacang Sebiji: gajah lagii ....... nak besar mcm beg tu juga kah .. boleh letakl gajah dalam bag .. hahahaha
Kak Diah: Your daughters are still young .... i am sure and confident insya Allah there will come a time they will turn into sewing too .... look at me !! ...its in the blood .. hehe
Aza:mana tak lawak kalau besar mcm tu punya beg .... i think i have to make another one lah ... this one can fit all her surau friends telekungs too ...... hehe
Such a funny post! And heartwarming too...anything for the mom ya? Cantik beg tu, nampak muda belia gitu :D
Zura: terharu sungguh Zura jadi follower saya ... (saya memang ada tiga saja follower pun .. satu tu saya sendiri)
My Mom picked the fabrics .. even the lining inside ... sanggup pi kedai cari kain yg dia nak ... hmmm now she sees that she can even put my father in the bag .. she wants me to make another one ...
and shes sending the lining all the way from Sg Petani.
i've followed your blog (though I'm not your official follower yet)because ayu mentioned it in pondokcraft & i find your posts very heartwarming (plus funny). your Mak is such a lucky lady. I envy you. You have d guts to start something which requires time, sweats & creativity. Me? Interested but....i've too many excuses(sigh!)
rosh: thanks for dropping by ... its ok if its not official pun to follow my blog .. after all most of us have "bookmark" to follow our favourite blogs kan .. i just hope that this new hobby of mine would last long ... hehe insya Allah. Thanks for your support !!
and oh ya .. Ayu was in my house last night. she brought along her machine and we sewed into the night talking (and gosipping) mcm sewing retreat gitu .. hehehe
kelakar betul la si ann ni...tersembur sat masa baca entry nih sbb tgh minum milo sambil baca blog... ;-)
Niza: hahahaha ... jangan milo keluar kot hidung dah laaa ...
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