.... is quilt binding
Ever since I started learning to quilt, it has been one thing that I always drag to do.
If some of you may recollect, I even had the heart to make those big quilts while forgetting how lousy I am at binding. I tell you those quilts are still lying somewhere in my house .. unfinished !
so tonight I was determined to face my weakness by making a small quilt
But the thing is I have another weakness too which is bad when one wants to quit:-
lack of patience
I m still struggling in that department
tak adanya orang dalam dunia ni bind mcm ni
kalau benang pun berserabut .. apa lagi jiwa I kan ....
I was so engrossed that I became lost in my own world and in time. Its almost 1.30 am and I still couldnt finish it. I finally gave up for the night and decided I should try again tomorrow and really study and get some guidance and help from the net.

so sesapa yang ada niat nak upah I menjahit atau buat apa2 untuknya
fikirlah beribu-ribu lemon kali
I ll keep you updated insyaAllah on this small project
I know if I can ever do this, insyaAllah, I am sure I can do more !!!
Its just a matter of time and patience