Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Dan Meja Kopi Pun Meraikannya

Selamat Datang Pelari Meja Ceria

Menjadikan ruang ini lebih meriah

Sebab dengan pelari meja lama kami dah menyampah

Finally Alhamdulillah I managed to finish the runner. I was actually stuck with the bias binding as I was a bit hesitant and overly careful on how to cut the fabric and bind it properly.

Since Ayu was around, she helped me with the cutting and I finished the whole thing albeit my uneven stitch trademark which you could see if you turn it around.

In that case, my solution is
to make sure its glued to the table
so nobody should know or see its back

ha ha ha ha ha ha


*Pelari Meja = table runner

Monday, August 16, 2010

Not A Typical Cushion Cover

Al Mu'minun: 29

A Dua for Allah to place us in a blessed place

It is said that this dua is recommended when entering or buying a new house

and I always pray that my home is already blessed by HIM

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Apa Crafters Muslimah Buat Waktu Bulan Ramadhan

mereka tolong ibu mereka jahit telekung

(salah satu amalan mulia)

Ramadhan Kareem Y'all


kalau tok Imam baca surah panjang waktu tarawikh jangan sentap ok

edit: bukan jahit the whole telekung tau ..
tulung jahit satu line bunga kecik ja keliling telekung mak saya